Category: IMVU Basics 201

Blender 2.8+ for IMVU - basics 201

An unofficial (not affiliated with IMVU) series of example-led video tutorials using Blender 2.8+ to make content for IMVU®. Based on practical guidance, learn about the essential ‘things’ needed as progress is made, when they are immediately useful or usable for the task at hand!.

What’s this about: In IMVU Basics 201, we learn to make custom content for IMVU using Blender 2.8+ starting with Avatar Poses and progressing through the main categories, making an item for each with the aim not to add complexity for complexities sake, instead to further the Creators skill levelling in ways that can be directed towards real-world use.

Suitable for: Beginners (IMVU Creator Status required for IMVU).

What’s needed: Blender 2.8 | IMVU Starter Files | IMVU Creator Status.

Do I need to be a member: some content may require membership (free).

What if I need help: Questions/requests are welcome, post in comments below each video where appropriate (membership may required for some posting privileges).

Can I get 1 to 1 help: For a specifically tailored learning experience, personal mentorship or other direct teaching, contact to check availability (premium services may be subject to fees).

Starter Files

For Blender 2.8+ only. For Blender 2.79 or below see here.

For more information on the Blender 2.8+ Starter Files see here.

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