Learn to make IMVU product using Blender 2.8+

Looking for help making items for IMVU using Blender?

Congratulations, you found it!

Everything that’s needed to use Blender to make custom content and products for IMVU; poses, animations, accessories, clothing and more. Also includes information on exporting and importing FBX files into IMVU using the FBX import tools!.

Can’t find it? Send a message to knowledgebase@katsbits.com with tutorial ideas!

What’s needed:
Blender 2.8+, or Blender 2.93 LTS for IMVU Toolkit.
IMVU Starter Files.
IMVU Creator Status.

Do I need to be a member: some features may require membership (free).

What if I need help: Questions/requests are welcome, post in comments below each video/tutorial where appropriate (comments are moderated).

Can I get 1 to 1 help: For a specifically tailored learning experience, personal mentorship or other direct teaching, contact mentors@katsbits.com to check availability (may be subject to fees).

Starter Files

For Blender 2.8+ only. For Blender 2.79 or below see here.

For more information on the Blender Starter Files see here, or here for info on the IMVU Toolkit for Blender.

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