IMVU Toolkit – Furniture Project Setup
Table of Contents
When creating custom poses for furniture items it can be tricky to figure out an effective way to set the furniture up so it can be efficient manoeuvred and positioned relative to the conjunction of avatar pose skeleton/rig and the respective seat nodes of the furniture item itself. To this end there are two principle ways to do this that generally won’t cause as many issues, or overly complicate the process, as other approaches; 1) move the furniture, or 2) move the avatar.
Duration: total c. 10 mins (00:10:00).
Info: 1080p.
Suitability: Beginner+.
Source: n/a.
Product ID: n/a.
Design note: more information to consider creating custom avatar poses for furniture;
Parenting Objects
When setting up the furniture item, and to save confusion, everything can be linked together using Parent. This can be done in the furniture project, the contents then appended in, rather than in an animation project to avoid inadvertently selecting and including components used to animate the avatar. However or wherever this is done, make sure the Root node is the primary or active node everything is parented to; this ensures the furniture item can be manipulated around a known or fixed reference point.
To do this, select all the objects (Shift + click or loop/box/lasso select) making sure Root is included last [1] – this can be confirmed by the node highlighting a brighter orange. Then, from the Object menu select Parent then Object – Object » Parent » Object [2]. In the Make Parent [3] pop-up that appears bottom-left, click the checkbox for Keep Transform to maintain the individual components relative positions, and make sure Type is set to Object. Once done, selecting and manipulating the Root node will move the entire group.
Use the Root node [1] so the furniture item can be moved as a group. This can be done though Parent [2], ensuring Keep Transform [3] is activated to maintain individual components relative positions.
Times are approximate;
– 00:00 : Overview
– 01:00 : Furniture Approach
– 06:00 : Avatar Rig Approach