Backwards Facing Pose for IMVU
Table of Contents
In this TikTok live stream we take a look at creating a reverse or backwards facing avatar pose for IMVU. These are created in exactly the same way as normal poses except for the avatar being rotated around Female03MasterRoot, the root bone used to locate the avatar in IMVU, more than 90 degrees.
Duration: total c. 35 mins (00:35:00).
Info: 1080p (W:606 x H:1080).
Suitability: Beginner+.
Source: KatsBits – TikTok Reverse Pose (c. 900 KB | *.blend, *.fbx).
Product ID: Reverse Pose (PID 67964147).
Design note: some additional concerns to keep in mind when making avatar poses that rotate off-axis;
Bone Rotation
Ordinarily the degree to which bones can rotate is limited, either by the type of joint or connection between bones, or by the way the mesh deforms when articulated, assuming the avatar is not being distorted outside normal posture. Rotating the ‘pelvis’ control to turn the avatar around will distort the mesh as the arms and legs do not move in unison. To address this, shift-click select the hand [1] and foot [2] controls first – CTRL_IK_Hand.R/.L & CTRL_Foot.R/.L – then shift-click pelvis [3], adding it to the group; this ensure that when pelvis is moved, the arms, legs, and connected parts of the rig, will follow.
Important: when rotating the avatar use the square proxy shape (“CTRL_COG“) at the avatars hips that represents the PelvisNode bone [i] – DO NOT ROTATE Female03MasterRoot [ii] (“CTRL_FemaleRoot“), this needs to remain in place, facing forwards, its default position – if inadvertently changed, click the Zero Bone button in the toolkit to reset.
Rotating the avatar using ‘PelvisNode’ [i], not ‘Female03MasterRoot’ [ii].
Pelvis can be rotated by itself but doing so will heavily distort the avatar. To avoid this, Shift-click the hand [1] and foot controls [2] before adding pelvis [3] to the group, which then rotates everything at the same time.Empty Mood – 10945930
When importing the exported FBX into IMVU Studio or Classic, use the Empty Mood product, 10945930, to initially test the pose; as this is essentially stripped of other avatar properties, access to the Action [4] panel the only function needed, problems with the pose are much easier to spot and/or fix or adjust. Be sure to strip the avatar of any outfits and other items to prevent these interfering with the test.
When testing a pose in IMVU Studio or Classic, derive from the Empty Mood product to avoid potential conflicts; all that’s needed is access to the Action [4] panel/options.
Times are approximate;
– 00:00 : Intro & Scene Setup
– 05:00 : Pose Tool & Pose
– 20:30 : Prep & Export
– 25:30 : Studio Assembly