Kats Lumpy Lava (*.tga)
Texture pack Details
- author – ken ‘kat’ beyer.
- rel’ date – n/a.
- name – Kat’s Lumpy Lava.
- pk3 file – tex-katslumpylava.pk3.
- contents – 6 files (3 TGA and 3 DDS versions).
- info – This lava texture set has a ‘glow’ map instead of using a texture layer ‘added’ to the diffuse to over brighten it. The glow map can be adjusted in a photo editing application (brightness/intensity etc.). The files can be used in one of two ways, either as an ‘addon’ pak or by including the assets within a particular project.
- For addon paks make sure you add the pak checksum value to the addon.conf file so Quake 4 knows it should be using a 3rd party file/s.
- For inclusive assets it’s preferable to use both the TGA and DDS versions of the textures as this speeds load times up marginally (particularly on larger maps). Simply drop the assets into your projects folder and change any file paths in the material file to reflect these changes.
The material file has been written with a few extra ‘file paths’ so the textures can be used with LWO and ASE models exported from Blender 3D. Please read the prepping ASE (also the Ultimate ASE export tutorial for Blender) and prepping LWO model tutorials for more information.
Zip file includes *.dds and *.tga images (c. 1.7 MB).
Lumpy Lava shown as used in the Quake 4 DM map ‘Kat’s Basket’ but usable in most game engines supporting TGA images