Misc Rocks & Boulders (*.ase, + *.blend)
The following "Misc. Rocks & Boulder Models" download is for games or other interactive mediums supporting the ASE format. Also includes *.blend source file for individual export requirements. Meshes and ‘generated’ texture only.
Model Details
- author – ken ‘kat’ beyer
- rel’ date – Aug 05
- name – Miscellaneous Rock ‘scatter’
- pk3 file – ase-kt_misc_rocks.pk3
- info – A separate zip file of the misc. rocks used in kat1024. Low poly count means models can be ‘spammed’ over a level without too much of a performance hit in game. Also available separately (opposite) is the *.blend Blender source file.
How to use
Rename the zip file to PK3 and drop into you ‘base’ folder, or, simply extract the contents to your project folder/location – file paths may need to be edited accordingly (see below).
The model files are in the *.ase format so editing texture paths is simply a matter of opening the files into NotePad or similar text editor and amending the following file path references.
*MATERIAL_NAME "models/mapobjects/kt_miscrocks/rock"
*MAP_NAME "models/mapobjects/kt_miscrocks/rock"to…
*MATERIAL_NAME "file/path/to_your_shader_or_texture"
*MAP_NAME "file/path/to_your_shader_or_texture"If assets are pulling a texture from the ‘textures’ directory that path needs to be something similar to the following…
and similarly if pulling assets from the models folder…
A generic ‘rock’ texture is provided that should work from the box but it is recommended that it be replaced with something appropriate to the surrounds of the models so they blend in better. A typical shader for ase models is as follows…
qer_editorimage textures/spkat3/rocks_5b.tga
// q3map_shadeAngle 179 //* see note below
// surfaceparm gravelsteps // optional
map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
map textures/spkat3/rocks_5b.tga
rgbGen identity
// tcMod scale 0.7 0.7 //optional scales a texture so it repeats X times (smaller or larger than default texture size)
*note : using q3map_shadeangle on models that have specific smoothing groups can have some undesirable results, esp on more ‘organically’ shaped objects so this is commented out by default for this shader which was applied to the rock models shown below.
- polycount – 26 » 46
Download Locations
zip file [c.200 KB]

Misc. Rocks shown in GtkRadiant (for display) next to a standard "info_player_start" editor entity and two brush volumns – 643 and 1283 for size comparison
Scale relative to info_player_start
*.blend file for export