Generator RtCW Single Player Map

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The article below was originally published some time ago and now remains online as an informational resource and archive.

Generator RtCW Single Player Map

The following download is a custom Single Player mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RtCW)

Map Info

  • author – KatsBits (kat)
  • web site
  • rel’ date – April 2014
  • name – Generator
  • pk3 file – spkat5* (see below)
  • game – RtCW single player (patched to 1.32 for SP)
  • bots – n/a
  • info – A single player ‘mini’ MOD add-on for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Also includes various re-usable assets that can be used in other modifications. Download and extract contents to a folder called "spkat5" in the primary game directory – it should contain several files including a *.bat file and two pk3 archive. To start the mod double-click the BAT file. (For more information visit the Generator micro-site).
  • weapons – n/a


Single c.20MB file – self-extracting *.exe or *.zip archive


Graveyard and tower


Internal narrowboat delivery/transport docks


The cooling station


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