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[IMVU] Make IMVU jewelry ring box accessory (Beginner Friendly) (LIVE!)

kat · 6 · 21646

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Offline kat

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In the videos below recorded live on Twitch, jazzKat walks through the process of making a very simple hand held jewellery (jewelry) ring/gift box accessory in Blender using four cubes that are then textured, positioned and then exported to FBX for import and assembly in IMVU. Recorded live on Twitch (may include off topic comments and conversation and/or audio/video synchronisation issues with videos converted from Twitch streams).

Duration : c. 2:20:00.
Level : Beginner Friendly.
Source File : KatsBits - Accessory.

Steps summary
- Delete default cube so no materials are available (optional)*.
- Add a new Cube - Add » Mesh » Cube.
- Add new Material (plus Texture and Image).
- UV unwrap cube - Mesh » UV » Reset.
- Duplicate Cube to make bow - Object » Duplicate Objects.
- Make 'bow' Material (plus Texture and Image).
- UV unwrap and edit UV map.
- Append to Accessory Starter File - File » Append.
- Assign Vertex Group and Parent to Armature.
- Export - File » Export » FBX (.fbx).
- Import and assemble.

note: * as the default Cube has a pre-assigned Material so the object was deleted to better reflect what is more likely going to be the case; a mesh being added to the scene without Materials, requiring their generation.

Twitch Alternatives
 - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/352757089
 - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/352759076

Offline Guyon

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I followed the Blender 2.8 Accessories box tutorial, and it imported and linked to the hand into IMVU.  But there is an offset. I can supply the blender and my fbx but does anyone know of a reason for the offset?
My Blender Import was:

Derive New Product
Female Accessory GO
Import FBX/ Load FBX / Your file
(Did not change any setting) Configure FBX
(Back on Screen) Apply Scale 0.01 Mesh ID 2 CLICKED Import
Import Changes/ Apply Changes
Config Menu/ Attachment Node rtHand


[EDIT] moved to appropriate topic. Kat.

Offline kat

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You mean this video? - https://www.katsbits.com/smforum/index.php?topic=1007.0

Yep, per reply here (if that was you also), try exporting with Selected Objects disabled.

Offline Guyon

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Yes that was me I will stay here.

It looks like you never did rotation and scale.  I did that could that be my issue?

Where do you remove doubles? (to close the gap?)   
Do you mean delete everything but the cube and the rtHand(AttachmentRoot)?

Offline Guyon

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I figured this out.  In 2.8 my modeled object is parented!   The fix was:
left clicked the box
SHIFT clicked the rtHand
Object/Parent/Bone (and click the keep transformed box)

Offline kat

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Yes that was me I will stay here.

It looks like you never did rotation and scale.  I did that could that be my issue?

Where do you remove doubles? (to close the gap?)   
Do you mean delete everything but the cube and the rtHand(AttachmentRoot)?
Using FBX Apply is no longer absolutely necessary as the format (FBX) is able to properly interpret the objects position without issue.

To Remove Doubles see here - https://www.katsbits.com/codex/remove-doubles/. To Join meshes see here - https://www.katsbits.com/codex/join-meshes/

And yep, if the Mesh and Accessory armature are not parented IMVU won't know what the target object is supposed to be. For accessories that's not necessarily an issue as it is possible to use the defaults provided when deriving (the glasses skeleton - this is how programs like 3D Paint can be used to make content for IMVU), but the object may still need a corresponding vertex group.