Yes, they are meant as furniture and I have parented them to furniture.rig.
Where you are refering to numbering, I think that should be "texture", not "material".
I have the textures numbered as you described, materials have unique names.
I did the same with my XB-70 and that worked fine.
I have taken the upper part of the male and lower part of the female, and made hands, head, eyes, etc. single meshes to prevent a too complex UV map. After all done I joined them again in Blender, resulting in a single mesh with 14 textures. I do not put them together in IMVU.
With checkers I did not mean the texture on the mesh, but in the editor window, see image.
I just noticed on my XB-70 that the checkers had also turned black, but that did not prevent them from working in IMVU.