OK.. yeah, you can't really make objects like that and have them export correctly out from Blender. First your hex shapes are relatively small, second they're off-grid and third they're rotated at slight angles. All that adds up to the problems you're having because the *.map format doesn't have the accuracy you need to represent those types of objects as brush volumes.
So... when you make that in SketchUp or you import it into Blender you're going to need to make quite a few adjustments to make sure it conforms to what the format needs - make sure the hex is on-grid and rotated properly to suit (this means the major sides must align to the grid).
If none of that works, export the mesh as a model. By the way, it's suggested you use the
reference blocks, your table is a little small and using the scale value could be a bit tricky to use due to the objects non-scaled size.
Table in Blender

Resulting brushwork in GtkRadiant