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[Q3] issues EXPORTing map using blender 2.49

yeedoo · 4 · 14255

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Offline yeedoo

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i have try to EXPORT a Q3 map,using the blender 2.49, but it seamed that only those simply shape maked with polygon could work,when exported a shape with subsurf ,open with GTKradiant  
Code: [Select]
WARNING: brush plane with no normal
WARNING: brush plane with no normal
--- LoadMapFile ---
 3900 brushes
    0 entities
198.36 second(s) load time

but there is nothing in the map

how could i treat a complex map while EXPROT to Q3 map?  only  mesh is surported? what about subsurf?

Offline kat

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I'm going to assume you've read the exporting a model as a map tutorial here? (and the advanced section as well). If not you *need* to read those to fully understand what's going on when you make a level in Blender. You also need to know the basics of building Q3 maps using Radiant.

The key to the process is to understand how the Quake 3 game engine works (via Radiant), not how Blender works. This means everything in Blender must be in a format that's compatible with the brush volumes that Radiant uses, so, while you can technically use sub-surf to make your mesh, the result has to be reduced down to very simple blocks, shapes and forms, if you don't do that you'll end up with errors including what you've mentioned above - the result of 'broken' or 'corrupt' brush data.

Basically, buildings and flat (axial) surfaces can be exported as brush-based levels using the exporter. Complex, curved, or organic shapes can't so must be exported as separate models (ASE) because brush volumes can't handle complex surfaces like those.

Post a screenshot of what you're trying to export if you still have problems.

PS Welcome to the forum. I deleted the duplicate post for you, only need the one ;)

Offline yeedoo

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kat,thank you very much
i export my model as .ase, in Radiant  load it as a misc model.  Simply but it is a start  :D
[blender2.49] http://content.screencast.com/users/yeedoo/folders/GameMod/media/447ba032-ab2d-42cc-9340-44eb574ca4d3/blender1.JPG
[q3] http://content.screencast.com/users/yeedoo/folders/GameMod/media/424b4b48-bac2-413c-8ab0-7e31aeb008e5/shot0000.jpg

There is a question, how could i make the .ase the brush.in the above map i could walk through the misc as well as the bullet. it seemed that other misc_model is also NOT SOLID OBJECT. so how to make the chair my map , using the curve and patch in Radiant ?

the q3map in the q3 source code could do me favor? or it is something about openGL programming?

As a beginner ,i havn't any experience in MOD, kat, thank you for your advice .
My dream is using my own map,model,texture,shader..in my MOD,any advice about this that i will very glad to listen.

Offline kat

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Couple of things. Have a read of this ASE export tutorial. You're going to need to re-size that object as it appears to be huge in game,  download the reference block pack from here and *append* the "NPC" item (in the *.blend file you're working on, go to "File >> Append". Browse to the refpack file and click "Objects", then select the "NPC" item and click the Append/OK button top right).

You're also going to need to reduce the polycount on that object quite a lot, it's rather 'heavy' for Quake 3 - you should be able to use the "decimate" modifier for that (otherwise you'd need to rebuild it). It also appears that you've not UVW mapped or textured the mesh(?) which is why it's appear white in game. If you've not sure how to do that read through the Blender Basics tutorial here.