clothing in Blender 2.8+ use
Female04 (clothing).blendYes, each Starter File is set up for specific product types based on the information IMVU actually needs or uses so for example, bone
orientation differs but not their
relative influence between the clothing and accessory files - the way each deforms and articulates the mesh. This difference is largely because an
accessory item generally
must be exported with mesh and skeleton (even though the latter may not actually be used), whereas
clothing only needs the mesh.
As a result the clothing rig can be more representative and match the visual structure and articulation of the avatar, whereas the accessory skeleton cannot, it needs to match the bones actual orientation in IMVU (they're not the same as Blender) - for clothing we're just interested in vertex group influence for the mesh(es) with accessories both are needed.
So... for clothing you
use the same vertex groups principle but instead of a single group being named "AttachmentRoot" (or "AttachmentNode") as needed for accessories, a given clothing item might have several groups, a short skirt for example might have "
lfThigh", "
lfHip" and "
Spin01" influencing different parts of the mesh appropriately, when the armature is articulated only bone-relative sections of the mesh move - what you're doing is assigning particular bones articulation influence over individual vertices based on their respective positions and deformation expectations.
All KatsBits authored Blender 2.8 tutorials are being published in the
Blender 2.8+ Knowledgebase -, the IMVU specific ones are here - (the ones linked above were requested by IMVU for their Creator Center).
A Blender'd version of MD would be pretty interesting.