As promised. I appreciate the prompt reply.
So there was a morph animation on your page all along? I've seen the word shapekeys before when looking into this a while ago, but more recently I was looking for the words along the lines of morph or morphing. Not shapekeys. Looks like I just need to squint a little harder. Or, just find my glasses. Lol.
As far as the, "horribly disfigured," comment goes. I should really learn to provide images. Since they can say 1000 words.
Here ya go:

I did look into it again, after posting this topic, and I found that one pose I had made worked and the other did not when I derived from product ID#80 even though both worked within an Empty Derivable and an Empty Mood. Provided above is the image of the one that did not, (obviously,) work for PID#80.
I already accommodated for the way the bones seem to jut outward from the avatar guide bodies. I figured it had something to do with what you mentioned so I thank you for the clarity. What I believe is happening is that I translated, (minor,) some bones on the arms within the pose file for export aside from just, as you recommend, rotating them which caused the original mangled look once I clicked import and applied changes before even creating the action. The second pose I imported was far more complex including the the entire body being animated and which did work for PID#80.
So if there is any additional advice you'd like to offer to help me avoid this in the future. I'd love to hear it.
Thank you,