I posted on this forum a few times some years ago, perhaps somebody can help me with this issue I'm having:
I'm creating the organic geometry for an Unreal project myself and some others are working on, using Blender as that is both faster, more flexible and more powerful than Vertex editing within Ued 2.1. I export my geometric structure (the static mesh/model thing) from Blender as an .obj, import that into Unreal as a static mesh. I then have the opportunity to convert that SM into a brush (which is what I would like to do, so that i can have lightmap based lighting on my world object rather than blotchy vertex lighting which Unreal currently has). However, when converting I receive several error notifications regarding the model - >
Critical Error: FPoly::Finalize: Normalization failed, verts=3, size=0.000000
Regardless, the model converts anyway, although has quite a few BSP holes in it (which can result in the player being blocked by invisible collisions in such case). Myself and a few engine specialists, including the author of the latest Unreal 227 patch agree that this most likely would have something to do with the error I'm experiencing. Perhaps there's another way to export the model from Blender to .t3d?
Another person who uses 3dsm told me that he uses the ASE tools in order to convert models directly to .t3d, and it's expected that Blender would most likely have this plugin aswel. I managed to locate Goofos' ASE plugin on the downloads section for gimp, but for some reason gimp doesn't load the plugin in the list of plugins, I assume this must be for an incompatible version of blender which is as to why they haven't/aren't being installed.
My question is: How else could I export the model as .t3d from Blender in order to import it into UEd? Or another question might be if anybody has any knowledge about the error mentioned above, and what I would need to do to fix it?
Thanks for the help in advance.