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[Windows] Start Menu folder location

kat · 1 · 14074

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The location of the "Start Menu" folder in Windows moves from version to version. It's essentially a protected 'User' location hidden from general access, the contents of which are generated based on the users actions (what software or applications are loaded and need to start when Windows loads).

To edit its contents the folder itself needs to be unhidden and unprotected. To do that open up Windows Explorer ("Start » Accessories » Windows Explorer") and do the following;
  • With Windows Explorer open, click "Tools" then on "Folder Options..." ("Tools » Folder Options...").
  • In the pop-up window that appears, click "View" to display the 'view options' for folders in Windows.
  • Mid-way down the page is the "Advanced settings:" windowed area - it lists a series of options accompanied with check-boxes - find "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" and click the check box to deactivate that options - clears the checkbox.
  • A "Warning" will appear. Click "Yes" to agree to turning OFF this feature.
Hidden files will then be visible and available for editing. Once done adjusting the Start Menu follow the same procedure but click the "Hide...." checkbox to reactivate the option, hiding system files again.

Start Folder location
The Start Folder is usually located in the "User" directory of the "C:\" drive where the operating systems is installed, typically;


This would generally means the Start Folder being in the following location;

[user name] » AppData » Roaming » Microsoft » Windows » Start Menu

Or using the actual file path as;

C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Start Menu\

Note that editing Start Menu item directly by accessing the folder in Windows Explorer may cause issues with the system Registry which keeps track of where everything it located or the functionality of features.

For help finding Blenders "Scripts" folder click here.