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[Windows] "TBIA expired" on start-up

kat · 1 · 16398

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For Windows based PC's when booting up and logging in to Windows Desktop an "TBIA expired" error message appears.

The most likely culprit of the "TBIA expired" error message is the failed loading of the applet that drives and allows settings access to the any one of the USB powered M-Audio Fast Track Pro or other USB powered M-Audio interfaces. On Start-up Windows looks for and tries to load a number of devices when a computer is turned on, sometimes conflicts occur which result in either failed device start-ups, or an error messages like "TBIA expired".

If an M-Audio device like the Fast Track Pro is plugged in, the actual component causing the problem is the driver represented by task bar icon (the little red disc with the white ">" on it), this needs to be disabled. For Windows do the following;
  • Click the "Start" button and type "msconfig" into the "search" bar. Alternatively, press keyboard "Windows Key+R" to open the "Run" app, type "msconfig" and press "Enter".
  • In the window that opens (MSConfig), click on the tab titled "Startup"
  • Find the entry titled "TaskBarIconApplet" ("Avid Technology" is marked as the "Manufacturer"), it should have a "Command" path similar to "C:/Windows/[path]/[to]/M-AudioTaskBarIcon.exe"
  • Click the checkbox for that entry so there is NO tick/check in it (this deactivates its loading at bootup).
  • Click "Apply" and "OK"
  • Reboot as requested (reboot is required so if you clicking "Reboot Later" will necessitate a reboot at some point)
Removing the M-Audio applet and taskbar icon for the Fast Track Pro does means using Windows 'Control Panel' whenever access to the device settings is needed.

If this doesn't fix the problem then a process of illumination may be needed to find the source of the problem; temporarily disable in-turn all start up devices to check the error is not associated with another application or device. Be aware that doing this all in one go or individually may mean temporarily disabling firewalls and virus scanners so it's best to disconnect from the Internet and/or disable wireless LAN.