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3D Modeling WIP Topic

kat · 270 · 331024

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Offline ratty redemption

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interesting and understood i think. so once your map has been split up there will be more of the lightmap texture to share between all the baked surfaces? gameplay wise, i like hub areas that players can return to. hopefully you can use persistent data between the maps.

and if porting the project to unity, the rtcw version could be thought of as the prototype. would you then add more polys to the models, or build two versions at the same time?

for the unity version, if you reproduced the textures so they looked very similar but were all your own pixels, would that avoid the potential copyright infringement?

Offline kat

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There won't be a hub as such, just the ability to go back and fourth between levels, so stats need to carry across if when going back into an area/s already visited. Not sure if RtCW allows for this.

The main reason for using Unity (or other) system would be access to per-pixel unified lighting system, the trouble with RtCW and idTech3 in general, in that models are lit in different ways depending on their use, a problem that's compounded should they contain alpha, and are used within a fog volume. Per-pixel is supposed to alienate these issues (not tested to check yet though).

That's the problem, using RtCW means being able to make something quickly but it can't be monetised. Using Unity et al means a long development time but the end result could be monetised (unfortunately it just gets to a point where it becomes untenable to continue providing these excruciatingly time hungry projects for free). Going the former route obviously means using pre-existing assets (which limits some of the things that can be done), going the latter route means making everything from scratch (Copyright infringement isn't necessarily avoided doing what you suggest although 'derivatives' would be fine in the sense that an influence could be seen).

Offline kat

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Coming to a store near you soon!

These have taken a while to put together as there's a lot of fiddly small-scale stuff. Each item snaps within a 1 unit grid. Had to uniquely UV map and texture most of them because they don't all get used at once (which would have potentially meant a lot of wasted texture space using larger (atlas) maps/texture sheets. Also makes it easier to edit individual textures applied to specific items.

Offline ratty redemption

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nice looking models kat. are these for imvu?

and any chance of a video of them being rotated?

i'm looking forward to building prop objects for my game project in the future. still just working on the unity code at the moment.

Offline kat

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They're to accompany the Unity base assets here. I'll post a rotate, with some in Unity Editor shots, once they're in store (would have had them done earlier this month had it not been for working on, and  typing up, the DMCA comment report [post in that topic if you have any questions about that]).

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Working out timber usage for a medium sized workbench from 3" x 1" x 7' 10 1/2" (2400mm) batons. Custom job for a client. Bench should have been 4' long, 3' high and 2' deep but we can't get 8' from a 7'10 baton so top had to be reduced an inch or two. Still functional and will allow for two to be bumped together to extend the work area.

Side note: hopefully #Brexit means timber can finally be sized in *real* units, inches and feet!

Offline ratty redemption

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nice wooden looking models. how did you do the measurement hud? is that a feature of the latest blender or part of your project?

Offline Asaeis Wi Vio

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Related to that project I mentioned in another topic, made for Unreal; these are some animations for a character (the model is the Brute from Unreal, but the model itself will be refined shortly) based on that project.

I will create links to the images rather than showing them in the thread, as the gifs may take up alot of size!



Since making the .gifs I have improved the speed of the animations, among other things.


Offline ratty redemption

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cool, thanks for showing us those. character animation is an area i would like to experiment with in the future. i can animate abstract things but i've never tried characters. i know kat has a few times.

can you also render just the rig's bones or is this vertex animation of the mesh?

Offline Asaeis Wi Vio

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Well, originally Unreal only supported vertex animation, and did when it was released; but since updated to version 227, it now supports skeletal animation, which is what it will be imported as. :)

Is that what you mean?

Offline kat

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The second sequence looks incomplete, it appears to be missing the return (the first arm is flung forward but seems to be chopped before it can properly return to it's original position). Does another sequence fit in there or is it just that the animated gif isn't of the entire animation (it's missing a bit)?

@Ratty: the 'hud' is just manually positioned text objects ("Add ยป Text").

Offline Asaeis Wi Vio

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Does another sequence fit in there or is it just that the animated gif isn't of the entire animation (it's missing a bit)?

That's actually just the .gif, which doesn't capture the whole animation. :P

Offline kat

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Capture of simple animation in Blender showing the workbench parts being positioned (where each is supposed to go) - there's a lot of pass-through as it doesn't matter that the elements be restricted by their assumed real nature (which would mean animating objects so they didn't/don't intersect on their way to their respective resting places). Trying to optimise baton cuts to minimise waste is tricky.