I've been finding often that when I name textures and especially images, that the names won't last, that they are altered, and thus hard for me to re-find and identify in a later blender session, like when trying to apply them to another object, or select them for use in the UV editor.
It seems quite random when these changes to the names occur. Sometimes longer names last and remain unaltered, then other times the name will be truncated and something like .001 or .003 added to them, or just simply truncated with nothing added, thus making me lose track of which is what.... And again, it seems quite random when Blender leaves them alone, and when it alters them. Result; I'm left with this bewhildering list of images that I can't keep track of them anymore.

As an example; If you look in the one picture, the top 3 "vb_helmet...." images are all the same image, but have been re-named by the computer and are now confusing, and the two lower files "vb_spacesuit_text" and "vb_spacesuit_texture_" are just copies of "vb_spacesuit_text_r" ....and each of those started out as "vb_spacesuit_texture_red".
I've searched online and seen people using texture names that are really long, and they don't seem to be having any problems with them...
Can somebody tell me how to keep my names from getting messed with?