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DMCA protection website scams & BFCT news

kat · 1 · 18469

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It's a thorny issue but DMCA is important for content creators or developers publishing material to the Internet or other electronic medium of distribution (iTunes, Play et-al) need to be aware of. To assist in this be sure to read through "I got a DMCA 'take-down' Notice, what do I do?" and "Are DMCA Protection websites scams?", the latter in particular may come as something of a surprise to many.

Back in November last year (2012) KatsBits gained Blender Foundation Certified trainer status. Unfortunately due to a number of issues internal to the way BlenderNetwork and Blender Foundation are run this had to be relinquished. Whilst this is an obvious disappointment, not just to KatsBits, fortunately it won't affect what goes on here. For those interested, more can be read about the issue here and here.