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[Blender 2.61] issues, problems & changes

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Offline ratty redemption

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Q: it appears there is no longer the function to grab and move verts etc in edit mode by just using the mouse, i did find this script but haven't tested it yet. i don't even know if it's compatible with the 2.6x builds?


Offline ratty redemption

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Q: is there a way to disable by default the sculpt brush from being shown when switching between edit and sculpt modes?

currently blender keeps resetting the option of showing the brush, which i don't want as it distracts me from what i'm working on. why would the devs even give us an option if blender forgets it a few seconds later?

Offline kat

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is there a way to disable by default the sculpt brush from being shown when switching between edit and sculpt modes?

currently blender keeps resetting the option of showing the brush, which i don't want as it distracts me from what i'm working on. why would the devs even give us an option if blender forgets it a few seconds later?
Do you mean you want to prevent a specific brush (SculptDraw is the default) from appearing when you switch between the modes (is it not remember your last selection)? Or do you want the show/hide the ToolShelf itself?

Offline ratty redemption

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blender appears to remember which type of brush, but forgets that i've deselected the option to show the brush mouse cursor, ie the circle that changes size depending on the size of the brush, if it was only a small circle that wouldn't be as distracting, but regardless it appears to be another bug.

Offline ratty redemption

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Q: i've been struggling for the last month to learn the new 2.5/2.6 interface after successfully using the 2.4x versions for years, and my latest frustration is it appears there is no default option to set 3d view > properties > display > all edges as on for all objects, now it seems we've got to select it for each individual object if we want to use that feature? someone please tell me i'm wrong?

some of my blend files have hundreds of objects *sigh*

Offline kat

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appears there is no default option to set 3d view > properties > display > all edges as on for all objects
I can't confirm the tool operation (see below) but based on what other tools do, yes, it looks like these types of features are enabled on a 'per-object' basis, likely as an optimisation - it's less CPU intensive to enable it on everything rather than just the selected objects.

I've never quite understood what "All Edges" does. I know from the tool-tip that it's supposed to show an objects wireframe in each of the different 'editing' modes (sculpt, paint etc...) but if you have wire enabled Blender tends to show the wireframe all the time any way.

Can you post a shot of what you're expecting it to do?

Offline ratty redemption

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thanks kat, and what it does is show in object mode, the edge splits we would see in edit mode if the mesh has been triangulated. i depend on this feature so i can plan and tweak my edge loops.

Offline ratty redemption

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Q: In 2.4x it used to be 3d view > object menu > copy attributes as well as ctrl c keys would pop up a menu. i can't find it in 2.61.

Offline kat

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thanks kat, and what it does is show in object mode, the edge splits we would see in edit mode if the mesh has been triangulated. i depend on this feature so i can plan and tweak my edge loops.
Ah so that's what it does (learn something new everyday). And based on that, yes, it's does the same for me so it's going to be an optimisation. Might be worth submitting as a feature request, although I'm not sure it'd be implemented any time soon, if at all, because the Foundation seems to be moving away from those sorts of 'global' features towards ones that provides individual control over elements in a scene.

Offline ratty redemption

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same here re learning new things about blender most days, even the 2.4x versions still had features etc that i barely touched if at all, but back on topic. i can understand the optimization, what i don't understand or agree with, is taking the choice away from the user.

this new interface is imo holding some of us back from using a great set of tools, and it's not the general design of it, that i like, it's how buggy and awkward it is at times. at least we can remap keys which i've always wanted to see in blender.

Offline kat

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in 2.4x it used to be 3d view > object menu > copy attributes as well as ctrl c keys would pop up a menu. i can't find it in 2.61.
I've seen that somewhere but I don't remember how I got to it. It doesn't show up when you 'search' for features either (Space bar).

Offline ratty redemption

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thanks kat and i couldn't find it either in the user preferences > input > search.

Offline ratty redemption

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Q: seems like ctrl w and ctrl s still ask for confirmation but the info header > file menu > save and save as don't?

Offline kat

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seems like ctrl w and ctrl s still ask for confirmation but the info header > file menu > save and save as don't?
That might be deliberate because the implication is that by using the File menu you're specifically trying to save the file rather than accidentally hitting the key combo.

[EDIT]I've merged some of the loose topics together else we'll end up with a tonne of separate 2.6+ questions

Offline ratty redemption

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understood, and agreed, under those conditions it does make more sense.

and ot, good idea with merging the topics, especially as it was beginning to look like i was spamming your forum, he he.