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[blender2.49]question about mesh

yeedoo · 7 · 16300

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Offline yeedoo

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1.How to get the statistics information of how many vertics or polygon i have used.

2.Is there a way to union polygons  for example union a row polygon

by the way ,Could you give any advice on reducing polygon amount?

Offline kat

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1) polygon/face/vertex count is in the coloured area of the header, top right hand side.
2) Not 100% sure what you mean but you can 'collapse' faces/vertices in a number of ways. Select one and then other faces then use "Alt+M" to access the "Merge" menu options and select "At First".
3) Manually. You can use the "Decimate" tool but it means restructuring the mesh back into quads.

Offline yeedoo

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thank you,kat
About the second question,What i mean is that i want a lighter mesh structure,but merge do change the mesh structure.
For excample, there is a surface made with 7 rows and 7  columns,all of these are quad-polygon
I want these polygon still be quad-polygon but made up with 3 rows and 7 columns.
How to do that?

Offline kat

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You'll have to collapse entire groups of faces or edge loops. Once a mesh has been edited or changed that's the only way you can do it. Depending on what you're model/mesh looks like, switch into "Edge Select" mode ("Ctrl+Tab") and "Alt+RMB" select an edge.. you can either then select another edge and 'scale' them together using "S", or 'slide' the selected edge together to another one to collapse it that way using "Ctrl+E >> Edge Slide".

Basically what you're trying to do is selectively collapse elements to give you the structure you're after. It has to be done manually unfortunately otherwise you can loose 'control' of the meshes structure.

Offline yeedoo

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I find that in edit mode press "x" select edge loop ,that's a way

More question,  i don't use my model for rending (i just want to use the model in my mod),then  should i need to care weither my model is made up with quad-polygon or not? Because i know that model made up with quad-polygon is better then triangel.  I don't know the reason.

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Yes you can use "X" to simple delete the elements but depending on it it you remove that way, you may have to do a fair bit of rebuilding of faces etc.

I'm actually in the middle of writing up a tutorial on exporting models which goes into some details on why you triangulate. Basically a triangle is a 'base' element - like vertexes and edges which can't be broken down into 'smaller' elements - a quad isn't, it's composed of triangles so that extra bit of processing 'costs'. So yes, always triangulate.

Offline yeedoo

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I am looking forwad to The tutorial :)
I find a good way to replace decimate Modifier.
That's poly reducer(Mesh → Scripts → Poly Reducer ) ,which help me to remain the uv.
Because i feel more easier to unwrap  quad-mesh then triangle-mesh.