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q3map2 decompile problem

tester · 5 · 15425

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Offline tester

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hello all

when i try to decompile one special map, q3map2 crashes. i try this on two pc's, with xp and windows 7.
this is the error message (sry, only in german)

other maps decompile without problems.
are there some hidden parameters for decompiling?

but i can decompile from bsp to ase, and load the ase in other programms.
is there a alternative program, that can write from ase back to map?


Offline kat

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Problems with decompiling maps like that are usually to do with the entities contained within it. I'm assuming you're decompiling someone else's work so you won't have access to information about the map and information about anything 'special' that might be a recognisable cause of the problem (note that you should only be decompiling someone else work for 'educational' purposes; it's generally frowned upon from within the community because people have copy/pasted whole sections and complete maps, claiming them as their own).

If you can produce a complete ASE, import that into Blender (you might need to load up a older version of Blender to get the 'import' ability. There are also no *.map import/export scripts available in 2.5+) and then export the entire model back out as a *.map file. That should at least get you the basic brush-based structure your after but it'll need a lot of cleaning up as all the game entities will be part of the result. It should be relatively straightforward to clean those out in Radiant.

Offline Shaderman

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IIRC lights will be lost and every brush in a decompiled map will be a structural brush also. There have been several bad examples of decompiled maps with very bad vis causing bad frame lags in several places of those maps. Try asking the author for the source files of the map, it'll save you a lot of trouble.

Offline tester

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thx for answering

yes, it's not my map. no, i will not copy/paste or steal someones work.

i use blender 2.43 for importing ASE, but plugins are not run, cause i have the wrong python version???
so i use blender 2.53 with the ASE plugin. after importing the ASE file, the screen is empty???

the MAP exporter runs unter blender 2.49.

is there a functioning ASE importing script for blender 2.49?

wish all of you a merry christmas

Offline kat

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Yes, you'll need to correct Python version for the older versions of Blender, look at the console window for information of that as it'll tell you when Blender starts up "cannot find Python v[n]". You can install multiple versions of both Blender and Python, just make sure they're in their own folder locations and Blender will find it. The 2.53 ASE import script has a few issues so that might be why the mesh didn't import.

Merry Christmas back at you ;)