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Advice good Lcd monitor for graphics and home use

Fitness · 13 · 26510

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Offline Fitness

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Hi. Sorry for this, still cant decide What new LCD monitor to buy - branch and size. What LCD monitor do you have? Do you not have headeache from big monitor - 24 LCD? Size - 19, 22, 24? Brand - Acer, Asus, Iiyama, Dell? Need good display, good colours - not have headeach and problems with eyes. Thank and sorry. Fitness aka Kic.

Offline kat

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I use two smaller screens these days instead of one larger one, it's more useful from a development point of view than it is for game playing though. I've heard reasonably good things about Dells *monitors* (but the rest of their kit). Iiyama, Viewsonic, LG, all the main brands provide decent kit. Generally stay away from Acer, Asus et al.

One thing to note though, if you do go the dual screen route, make sure they're the same models so you don't struggle with colour calibration, which can be a real pain without spending money on a calibration kit; even though monitors are supposed to use an industry standard they vary wildly from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Offline ratty redemption

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i agree with kat regarding colour and brightness levels of different monitors, that can really be a pain to set up, espeically if your going to work with textures or setting up lights in blender or some level editor.

Offline Fitness

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Want only say. That for me will be good size 19, wide, 1400x900. Waiting on good monito with TCO 5 or 6 certification. I was looking on Dell , fujitsu siemens , Philips and Asus. I think that for me size 19 wide will be good - more bigger monitor is not good for eyes and so on .


Offline kat

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Looks like a decent monitor, although pretty pricy - hopefully that translates into good colour and picture quality. Maxes out at 1680 x 1050 according to that page (I *hate* those types of sites by the way ;) nothing but link/content farms). Let us know how it goes.

(PS. I tidied up your posts, they were a bit messy as I'm guessing you write them up in notepad then copy/paste?)

Offline Fitness

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OK. I cant still decide. I have also this candidate NEC E231W - 23 LED NEC lcd monitor, here http://www.nejlevnejsipocitace.cz/shop/nec-e231w-23-lcd-stribrnobily-p-77106.html?zenid=e521b188f19cccb961680f7ef91ecb5f

Cant decide if first or this second one. What you can recommend me Kat. 23 lcd monitor is 1920x1080 - pixels are more smaller , so display is more detailed ( detailed better colours ). Or get this first 22 1680x1050. Cant decide What is better for my graphics work - models, level design, playing games and internet.

Offline kat

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I'd probably be inclined to get the 1920x1080, but I'd do a bit of research beforehand making sure to read up on what reviews and comments are being posted and said about the item first.

Offline Fitness

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allready readed reviews
and for those two reviews are good and monitors are also suitable for graphics

but 23 is LED and some people talks that LED for someone isnt good for eyes

Offline ratty redemption

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fitness, are led sharper image then lcd? i don't know much about led monitors so interested to hear the difference.

Offline Fitness

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Ratty yes LED should be better but I readed that every monitor CCFL and LED is pulsing 200 Hz / min - hope that you understound , sorry my english .
Led maybe sharper and colours are better , black is more black and white is more white .
And I readed that some people talk that LED is not so good for their eyes ( readed about 24 LED monitor Benq)

And I readed about LED 24 monitor Acer - all positive things

Offline kat

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If you have specific issues with your eyes in relation to refresh rates, it may be better to go with the 'safer' option, i.e. the one that you know is going to be the less problematic for you (which I'm guessing will be 'older' type LCDs using fluorescent back-lighting).