[CLOSED/COMPLETED]Hello readers,
After trying for 5 hours to create a single model (md3) and not beeing succesfull. i may need a hand here

what im doing: im porting a mod into a newer version of the engine , not to get all technical but an ID3 based game modification into a newer version of the engine .. ( RTCW 1.4 to ET2.55pro )
all went well untill my model designer left, stating to busy, no time and sort out myself .. id rather go and ask if someone is kind enough to do some modelwork and i thought of this place

what im asking :
Be free , think of anything that would go with the type of game ..
- weaponry
- faces
- hats /clothes
anything that would fit the game

What im Offering:
Credits inside the game .. and a ton of fun

u can PM me on the Forum if someone is interested ..