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[MD5] EXPORT script for Blender 2.6x (OPEN)

keless · 228 · 326403

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Offline kat

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Looks like you've not set up any vertex_groups?. You'll also need to export an Armature with at least two bones, one being the 'root' the other being whatever your mesh is vertex_grouped to (generally the mesh shouldn't be vertex group to the root bone because it's used for position/location stuff). Note you ideally want to use Apply before you parent.

Just an FYI, when using the scripts make sure you're using a public release version of Blender, SVN/release candidates are notorious for breaking script support.

Offline taka

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it seems like latest exporter fails to export if "Anim only" option is selected.

adding line below to around line 847 solved issue.
847:       for submesh in meshes[0].submeshes:
848:         submesh.generateweights() <----------added this line
849:         if len(submesh.weights) > 0:

Offline kat

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The script should work for 2.63a so is this an issue that's being fixed with 2.64 using the script amendment posted above?

Offline A_W_O_L__

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hey im having trouble using the exporter.

which exporter is the most stable? as i used the one for 2.62 & 2.63 and both give me an error saying that it cant find an armature action ( says this if i have an action attached or not & i am only exporting the mesh not mesh & animation ) and i am using the original blender versions 2.62 & 2.63

and i followed these steps

1. apply scale to the mesh

2. add armature and add a bone to parent the object to

3. parent the object to the bone with empty groups

4. cleared parent from object

5. uv unwrapped object

6. added material 

7. added key frame and made sure there was an action in the dope sheet ( did this because it throws an action error when exporting even if im only exporting a static object )

8. selected armature ( not in pose mode ) shift+ selected object so both are highlighted then i export and i select mesh only in the exporter

and i get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Awol\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.63\scripts\addons\io_export_md5-263.py", line 904, in execute
  File "C:\Users\Awol\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.63\scripts\addons\io_export_md5-263.py", line 768, in save_md5
    action = armature.animation_data.action
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'action'

location:<unknown location>:-1

any help would be nice! Thanks In Advance!!!

Offline kat

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Both scripts are pretty stable (for 2.62 and 2.63), so that shouldn't be an issue, so it's likely something your doing (or not doing as the case may be). Can you check to see if you have an Actual "Action" sequence assigned to the Armature? In the "Dopesheet" select "Action Editor" from the Header drop-down menu and check you have one listed - if you look at the images in the first post of the 'usage' topic, does your set-up look like those?. If you can post a pic that might help track the problem (if you can't don't worry).

Offline A_W_O_L__

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Thanks for the quick reply :)

i found out what my problem was. you have to make sure that your object also has a action attached to it too ( it doesnt have to have any data it can be empty )

thanks for all the help!!!!
Ps: i may be back later if i run into any more trouble ;)

Offline kat

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Glad you got it working but that's a little odd having to do that, you shouldn't need to really (an Action assigned to the mesh implies 'Object' based animation which isn't generally supported) - when you select the mesh all you should have is an Armature Modifier present. Just tested this to double-check using 2.63a. When selecting "Anim. Only" on export, the script does crash but selecting "Mesh & Anim." on the same mesh works fine so perhaps that's the caveat.

Also, try exporting without unparenting the two Objects and see what that does (so long as you have the Armature Modifier you should still get valid animations/deformation but just for the sake of bug tracking do the aforementioned and see what that does.

And you're welcome  ;D

Offline tea monster

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I'm getting the dreaded "Mesh contains XX vertices with zero weights assigned". I've tried cleaning the weights and normalizing them and still getting the error message.  How do you search through and find the ones with no weights assigned?

EDIT: I've even tried going into the vertex groups and applying a .2 weight on all the vertices to the origin bone and now it tells me that ALL the verts have no weight!!

Offline kat

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The only thing I can suggest is trawling through the file in NotePad or other text editor to sus out the differences between 'valid' and 'invalid' weight references, sometimes the only available option is a methodical search through the data. Other than that, use weight-paint mode to go over the mesh and identify areas you suspect might be causing issues, you can then select individual vertices for inspection in "Transform" properties ("N") and deal with them appropriately. In other words, so far as I'm aware there isn't a shortcut to fixing this problem (absent the changes nemyax queried).

Offline tea monster

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The problem is that it won't allow me to export the MD5 till I fix this. Previously, I could make the MD5, I would see the errors and then I could open the MD5 and 'hack' it manually.

But if it won't let me output the MD5, then how am I supposed to do this?

Offline kat

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Have you checked the System Console to see if it says anything else or is it just spitting out the error?. Beyond that, you'll need to go back over your mesh to check you don't have any detached vertices and/or individual vertices weighting using the "Vertex Weights" sub-section of "Transform" properties ("N") - just select a mesh and remove groups with "0" values.

What version of Blender are you using by the way?

[EDIT] see also the suggestions nemyax makes here in reply to your other post

Offline tea monster

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Cheers. I'm using 2.6 as that's what was on the top of the thread.

Offline D-Meat

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Hello !

I'm trying to export a md5 out of a simple model (no animation or weight mapping, only geometry and UV) from Blender 6.9, and here's what it says :
Code: [Select]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\dmeat\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.69\scripts\addons\io_export_md5-263.py", line 904, in execute
  File "C:\Users\dmeat\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.69\scripts\addons\io_export_md5-263.py", line 726, in save_md5
    uv = [uv_textures.active.data[face.index].uv[i][0], uv_textures.active.data[face.index].uv[i][1]]
IndexError: bpy_prop_array[index]: index 3 out of range

location: <unknown location>:-1

I have no knowledge in python / Blender scripting so I can't fix this myself at the moment ... Is anybody working on this ?

Thanks by advance !


Offline kat

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The script appears to work fine in Blender 2.69 from the tests I've done so I suspect that error is likely the result of a bad, incomplete or improperly prepped mesh - make sure you have at least one Material assigned as simply applying a texture to the UV isn't enough (typically results in the message you got). Read through the "How to export MD5" if you haven't already, it'll save you a lot of headaches. You may also need to have a basic Armature set up (Armature with at least two bones) to which the mesh should be properly parented (see link for details).

Offline D-Meat

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I've attached my Blend file just in case I'm getting something wrong.
Don't mind about the strange normal map included, This is a test model.

I did my UV unwrapping and work like I usually do, and I added a basic armature with 2 bones. All the mesh's verticles are assigned to the base bone.

This model is not made to be animated, even if I later plan on doing some "procedural animation" on the wings's fins.

Thanks for replying !

I'm actually working on a game using ioQuake 3, and I wanted to experiment the md5 model format because bone based animations are much better than the quake 1-2-3 method :)
Here's my project's description : http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=49611