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Save WhatsApp/WhatsApp Business Voice or Audio Messages

kat · 1 · 8747

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Unlike images, gifs, movies and other media, WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business does not provide a way to directly save voice or audio recorded using the applications 'voice message' feature because voice notes cannot be focus selected, i.e. tapping other media grants access to the 'more options' menu (...) where 'Save' is available, for audio, nothing.

To work around this limitation, and to save voice or audio notes in WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business, for the audio file to be saved, long-tap (tap-hold) until the "Share" options appear. Here the usual destinations are available; Facebook, Mail, SMS and so on. In addition to these standard apps, Files (or for Apple devices the equivalent 'Finder') should also be shown. Simply tap the Files icon to automatically save to the audio to the Downloads folder/location.

Audio Playback
For playback of audio files outside WhatsApp & WhatsApp Business, find the saved audio in Downloads as *.opp formatted data (the Files app should play these natively).