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Blackberry Playbook Setup Stuck

kat · 1 · 21988

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Notwithstanding 'bricked' devices, with the termination of ALL Blackberry OS10 and Playbook OS related services in January of 2022, attempts to setup devices AFTER this date will likely fail at the Network Connection stage or during User Agreement as a direct consequence of failed attempts to connect to services that no longer exist in order to complete the setup process.

For the Agreement in particular, as this document changes from time-to-time it was hosted and updated remotely and now that its no longer available, nothing loads onto the device and nothing can be agreed with or declined, essentially 'bricking' the device despite being powered on and progressing though setup (working).

At time of writing there is no fix or workaround for Playbook devices being stuck during setup as it's unlikely RIM will re-enable services to grant access to legal documents that may hold them liable for services no longer provided.