Double check what they're parented to as it seems from what you said they're parented to the Armature object (Room.RIG?) rather than a bone within it, skeleton.Room, which is why they're not appearing to be linked up - use the Outliner view top-right to do a quick visual check, you should see this;
» furniture.Floor.[n]
Rather than this;
In the above, the indentation indicates a 'parent' relationship, the indented item being the Child of the entry above - looking at the Outliner visible in the image you posted it appears you have the second example instead of the first.
To Parent bones, select the Armature and switch to Edit Mode then Shift select the bones to be linked up, the parent LAST (should be highlighted the active object). Press Ctrl+P and select Object (if using nodes instead of bones otherwise it should say 'Bone').
Alternatively, in Edit Mode again, access Object properties and find the Relations options, under Parent: click the orange box input field and select the appropriate bone from the list (or type and it'll display name-related bones).