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3D Modeling WIP Topic

kat · 270 · 269732

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Offline kat

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..ot: kat i've just noticed the text above the quick reply is apparently black on a dark grey background, so my end it's barely readable.
Send me PM with a screenshot.

Offline ratty redemption

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i could find where to attach images in the pm's here so i'll email you instead.

Offline kat

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Just a map snippet of that old RtCW project that I've been poking at for far too long (Generator). The section is a breathing-space for the player after an area of action before they have to make their way up and around via a lift climb to the level's exit.

Offline ratty redemption

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cool that your still working on that map. are you building this one in blender using meshes? or in gtkradiant or a similar brush based editor?

Offline kat

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GtkRadiant 1.4 to be precise heh ;) The project was started with that so it's easiest just to carry on using it, saves having to muck about changing (fighting) settings and properties.

Offline ratty redemption

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makes sense, and brushes suit that style of map.

Offline silicone_milk

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I saw that image on facebook and instantly recognized what I thought to be radiant from the clip brushes :)

I really feel that GTKRadiant's style of editing just makes an incredible amount of sense for indoor level design.

Concerning the character I'm working on in Unity, I found the issue with the feet is that they partially go through the ground. The physics settings were such that the minimum penetration before a force is applied was too high. Setting the min penetration to 0.001 instead of 0.005 fixed the feet going through the floor.

I have plans for her hair as well that I think will work great to keep it short(ish) while making her read more as a feminine character.

Here's a quick shot of some texture work I did last night.


The topology of the face is making it a bit difficult to make the eyes sit right so I might readjust that or I might say screw it, it's good enough.

I also need to figure out how to do a blink animation. I'm considering having a second material specifically for the eyes to shift uv coordinates on an eye texture instead of having to squeeze that in to the main diffuse texture on the main material. However, I want to use a separate material on the hair and I don't want to go over 2 materials for the character as it increases draw calls.

Broke down, going to use 2 materials. One for body, one for hair. With the UV space freed up by not mapping hair in the diffuse texture, I can have a second set of closed eyes for a blink animation :)

Matcap Hair In Unity:

Offline kat

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That's so much better. You might be able to leave the texturing relatively flat if you use vertex painting to shade areas to add a bit of depth at little cost. Looking at the shots they eyes might be fixed by making the face plane slightly flatter, it's the slight backward tilt of the upper (forehead) polygons that seem to be throwing the balance out a bit.

A tip for another time, or unless you change your mind about the eyes, is to duplicate the 'eye' polygons and then underneath you just leave the surfaces 'flesh' coloured. What this does is place the eyes on the separated polys which can be collapse via bones to give you the blink without doing any additional shader work. It's a simple solution (also means you can increase the amount of texture space dedicated to the eyes for increased clarity).

Here's a challenge for you.. keep (develop) both characters but use the same rig ;)

And yup, the editorImages are a dead give-away for idTech editors heh

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I'm glad to hear it. I'm liking the flat shaded look quite a bit but I'm definitely going to add a couple dark areas to give it some two-tone shading. As for the eyes, you're right. It's the bridge of the nose which is causing the slant (and thus the distortion). I'm going to fix that next after some adjustments to the geometry of the hair.

I thought about doing the animated planes method for blinking eyes. I might actually go for it since it's a hell of a lot simpler to implement than shifting UV coordinates around in a shader.

I recolored her clothing and am moving on to hair alteration and eyes. Then it's time for adding the scarf to the rig and finishing the animations.  8)

Figured out how to render an animated gif out of Blender so I rendered the hair out since a still screenshot doesn't really do it justice.

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It's an interesting effect but it does make her hair look like it's glowing. If you want to keep it you might need to find a way to balance its appearance with the rest of the model so the the viewer isn't drawn to it so quickly (it kind of forces you to focus on the hair rather than the character).

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The red glowing effect is something I was actually going for. I'm going to add a small particle effect added in Unity to have embers dropping off her hair every once in a while. I don't really know where I'm going with it I just think it's an interesting-looking effect.

From the distance the camera is at, the hair effect isn't super overpowering in my opinion. The hair gif was rendered with the camera really close to the character.

I spent most of the day yesterday messing with weight painting and it's a nightmare. There has to be a way to map armatures to meshes without this clunky crappy weight painting system. We've made huge improvements in texture editing, mesh editing, etc... but we've been stuck with this primitive cave man vertex-painting system for mapping bones to geometry. It's ridiculous.

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There are other ways to 'map' the structure of a mesh to the underlying skeleton but none of them are entirely trouble-free, especially so when achieved via automated processes, offer the control you really need, or are compatible for game engine tech - from that point of view 'bones' are the most efficient way to animate a structure.

What you might want to try doing is blocking out a broad group of vertices first, so bones that don't have a left/right pairing - "spine", "head" and so on - get first treatment you can then go over the mesh doing both sides sequentially; rather than going down the left side and then switching to the right side, a better way to do it might be flipping side-to-side - left-shoulder > right-shoulder, left-arm, right-arm and so on, that way you can use the same 'paint value' on both bones are you weight them (I've never been too fond of the axis flip and duplication modifier myself, so will rig manually as outlined above).

Re the hair: If it's 'on fire' why not make a show of that as an effect, a sort of "here's a neat trick to try" type of affair with animated textures (flaming hair) and particle effect? Could/can you add physics to that so the flames flop about when she moves? The effect could be expanded on from there.. changes colour when she gets angry, dims and goes out when she's killed and so on. So many possibilities, tangent subjects/things to try ahoy!!

Offline kat

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It takes a long time to put these RtCW single player levels together but level 2 is done. Now just bug tracking the scripts whilst starting on level 3!

Caulk hull


Entities + detail flagged brushes (clip volumes not shown)

Offline ratty redemption

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looks cool kat. can we see some player view images?

Offline silicone_milk

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Kat, regarding the hair/flames flopping when she moves, that was a part of what I'm going to cover at a later date using a particle system with the hair to create embers and to lengthen the hair a bit for a neat flame shader.

Working on the animations still. Have walk cycle (not the greatest ever made but it will work), idle, and am doing a jump right now. Trying to get a handle on how to blend animations properly at the moment.