The DailyMail isn't exactly a fountain of facts and responsible journalism but this article - "
Drones, satellites and lasers: Mark Zuckerberg reveals Facebook's sci-fi vision for the future of the internet" - raises some interesting questions and concerns about why there is this need and apparent rush for giant Internet corporations like Facebook and Google to be wanting to "bring the Internet to everyone". What does that even mean in this day an age of NSA spying, traffic and data harvesting, heavy commercialisation of 'information' through advertising, political, religious and economic censorship, 'hacking', and on, and on, and on.
The long and short of it is that there's nothing egalitarian about bringing the Internet to everyone, the West isn't saving the digitally poor Countries of the often Third or Developing World, it's simply about expanding, exploiting and controlling new markets, a bit like oil, gas and other 'natural' resources... we're resources you see.. what we do can be harvested, collected, and commoditised. Perhaps we can add a new euphemism to "BigAgra", "BigOil", "BigPharma"... "BigData".