Click the link in the first post for more info but suffice to say here the whole issue revolves around how an individual registered to the BN & BFCT scheme wants to be identified in terms of how they carry out their business activities, both in regards to what they do and the capacity under which that is done; BN & BFCT only recognise
Education and
erroneously '
Freelance'; erroneously because 1 & 2 are a type of legal status, 3 isn't, it's simply an activity - to be a legitimate corporation or educational establishment (and more to the point, prove this to the BFCT & BN) you have to registered as such with a Government agency, whereas any old Tom, Richard or Harry can call themselves a "freelancer" when they should be recognised properly as being a
sole trader, a status that can be legitimately confirmed.
BN & BFCT don't seem to recognise this situation and unfortunately don't really seem particularly open to the idea (nor discussion) of doing so. And given that
the issue was raised through the only and proper channels available to do so, they are fully aware of the situation - Ton himself was consulted, and had final say on matter. That being the case it's unlikely to get much more traction, and to be perfectly frank, one is reticent to waste time pursuing something this being so.
The upshot of this is that BCTF & BN constant complain about the lack of 'quality' or 'professional' members whilst never seeming to take any mitigating steps to against 'junk' registrations (the any old Tom, Richard & Harry from registering on the network), this is as true of the various mailing lists as it is of the BN/BFCT programs.
BTW, using Blender as a serious game development tool has been pushed in one form or another, and under various guises (Quake3Bits, KatsBits et-al), for over 10 years - it's actually longer than that but memory isn't clear on just how many