Hello everyone. I am here today because I am trying to learn how to animate avatars for the community of the chat client IMVU. I seem to have caught a snag and I was hoping for some help. This is my first time ever posting on a public forum. So bear with me if there are a few hiccups. My main preference is Blender and I brought some images to share. Here is my breakdown:
I created a simple static pose for demonstration. Starting with the right shoulder:

Then the left:

De-selecting and then selecting all to place a keyframe on frame 1:

sliding the frame to number 10 and re-inserting keyframe whilst everything still highlighted:

sliding timeline to frame 20. Pose > Clear Transform > All:

Switch to object mode in preparation for FBX export:

FBX Export. Selected objects de-selected, Add modifiers unchecked, Leaf bones turned off, NLA-strips down, Force start/end not-ta:

Open IMVU > Create > Derive Product, "Empty Mood, Product ID - 10945930:"

FBX Import > Selecting 86 bones, 10 meshes:

Apply scale .01, Unchecked all objects and etc leaving only animation:

Enter all that applies for a static avatar pose:

I only seem to be able to export a part of the animation. Typically relevant to the left side of the avatar. This was only a simple demonstration, but more complex animations yield the very same to similar results. I am new to animations and my capabilities with Blender are a learn as I go experience, and everything is self-taught for me. So if anyone is willing to offer me some assistance/advice you will have my gratitude.
Thank you for your time,