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kat · 69 · 247865

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Offline ratty redemption

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ward, i really like the textures you've used there and the wonky wooden beams are a nice touch, i would of done exactly the same. i'm just not sure if they are perhaps a little too wonky? kat could probably clarify that.

edit: what engine, editing apps did you use?

Offline ward

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Thanks, I like the cobbelstones and the wood materials, but the wood material tiles too much, I'm probably going to make it larger, and a few lighter/darker versions so not all the houses have the same wood.

That yellow material of the walls is definitely not goign to stay though  ;).

The beams on the second floor, from the house on the left side of the third screenshot are the most distorted beams i have btw.

EDIT: Sketchup -> blender -> UDK .

Offline ratty redemption

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understood and cool. i would like to see more of your work, have you a link to an online gallery or something?

Offline ward

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Nope this is my first project. (However I do have a little photoshop/multimedia experience from school).

Offline ratty redemption

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understood and could i see that? if you don't mind showing me?

Offline ward

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I don't have a portfolio with photoshop stuff either. I guess I never needed one since I rarely apply for a creative job because I have no college diploma, nor on the job experience, and both are asked/required most of the times. When I do apply for a creative job I usually make a small .zip with a few examples and attach that to the e-mail.

Offline ratty redemption

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understood and i'm going to send you a pm in a few minutes.

Offline kat

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The wood texture tiling isn't that obvious in the shots so don't worry about it unless it's very obvious. It's also pretty much the exact type of timber for those framed buildings by the way - with vertex-painting available to you I wouldn't worry too much about your default textures because with a bit of creative thinking you'll be able to 'disguise' any issues.

My only comment would be to look to making the roof sections slightly thicker or at least less 'sharp' edged on the top side. Watch the UVW mapping as well, if you're going to use roof "tiles" you'll need to check your map is as straight as you can possibly get it.

Nice work overall, well worth the trouble it caused ;o)

Offline ward

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Thanks for the feedback, I noticed the rooftiles too, to solve it I will just deform the island so its square. I didn't think of rounding the roofs yet that should add some more realism for sure, thanks for the tip. I'm tired of messing with meshes for now though haha, going to keep these for now, and re-import the meshes when I fixed the remaining issues.

I just discovered snippets btw, this is going to be extremely usefull to place my meshes.

Offline kat

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Still plugging away on this one, thought I'd show some Radiant shots of each level that forms part of the overall 'mod'. Had to model a few map objects for these - lamp-posts, telegraph poles and so on. It's funny how much effort goes into these massive projects for maybe only an hour or two worth of game-play.

First level

Second level

Third level

Final (fourth) level

Offline ratty redemption

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Offline kat

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Ooops forgot to add that info. It's a series of levels for RtCW single player, basically a continuation of "Generator" (continuation to hopeful completion).

Offline ratty redemption

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cool, i would play more sp maps for wolf sp (rtcw) if i still had the disk, i lost that along with my doom3 disks when i moved a while ago, might buy them all again on steam, especially since we can still mod those older idtech engines.

could we see some close up images of the various map objects you have been building etc? and are you making many new textures or mainly using the default ones?

Offline kat

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It's mostly default textures that have been mapped to new objects and items. Can't show any details shots yet as it'll give too much away ;) Most of the modelling has been relative to objects that are small and detailed (relative to the brushwork at least), lamps-posts, ladders and so on. Had to rebuild quite a few assets as well because the default MD3 files are broken (age old problem that).

Offline ratty redemption

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understood and i wasn't aware of the bug with the default md3's is that only when imported into blender, as i assume they still work in game, yes?

i'm looking forward to seeing more of this project of yours.