Thanks, basically that chamber is the lobby which leads to a survival course (sortof like a tutorial for the human class). It's currently a WIP, I was planning to add much more to this room like holographic bulletin boards, lobby seats, an information desk under the teal/light greenish light with an automated droid and more features which are necessary for a space station (like emergency airlock/bulkhead switches and panic alarms).
As for the ship, it's mostly unskinned as well, it's currently a work in progress.
"incidentally, i'm looking forward to getting back into level design modeled in blender in the future, when i'm got enough of the code written for my unity game. and i'll be posting screencaps of my models here on katsbits as well as on deviantart. the latter is another good place for storing large images which can be linked to."
I had a deviantart account quite some years ago, although i guess i could either revive the account or make another + store images there. Didn't actually think of that, thanks for the suggestion.