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[ASE] problem exporting mesh for Radiant

Polda18 · 15 · 33245

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Offline Polda18

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Hello everyone. I downloaded Export addon script for exporting to ASE (Ascii Scene Export), that is labeled to be for Blender version 2.56 - it is the last version available here. I have Blender v2.73a (it's not the newest, but was at the time when downloaded and installed). I was successful to install MD3 Export and activate it (though it's not working much correctly; it's a version 2.63a), but I can't the hell activate the ASE Export as it's not even listed in the Import-Export list and even it's not available in Disabled nor already Enabled. I just installed the script both by extracting manually to the addons folder in %APPDATA% and both by installing the ZIP file by Blender GUI, but nothing helped :(

Is it some kind of script not supported anymore? I need to export to ASE to make the model be moveable throughout the directories inside PK3 file and to make it easily configurable for the new location (I mean edit the model's textures names to reflect new location). For my personal usage I can use MD3 Export as I make it in fixed location 8)

[EDIT] moved and renamed topic. kat

Offline kat

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This is the latest working version for newer versions of Blender. It's best to install scripts from the User Preferences now as Blender's internal behaviour has changed a little bit from the days of dropping files directly into the Scripts folder.

Offline Polda18

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Thank you, it finally added the Export function to the list :)

Offline Polda18

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The exported ASE model crashed my GtkRadiant :( I am mapping for Quake III Arena. I attached the ASE file (due to ASE extension not allowed I had to enclose it to ZIP file). I also attached the Blender file to compare...

Why it causes crash? :(

Offline kat

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Looks like the problems are being caused by duplicate and inverted surfaces, they'll need to be removed. In View Properties ("N") enable "Normals" so you can see which way the errant faces point, inspecting the mesh from inside some of the normal will point inwards; those need to be flipped ("Mesh » Normals » Flip Normals") and/or removed. You'll also want to select everything and "Remove Doubles", establish Smoothing (Smooth Groups) using "Sharp" rather than splitting surfaces or creating extra edges - make sure to use the correct export options though, one works for idtech, the other doesn't.

Offline Polda18

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Thank you. I already checked and removed doubles, made sure normals are pointing outwards, made smoothing groups using Edge Sharp and Edge Split modifier. Nothing helped, though :( Model still keeps crashing Radiant :(

This is the settting I used. Grid was set to scale 8 and division 32, model was already enlarged 8-times, so I kept the export scale settings at 1.00...

I did not use the Triangulate function as the model is already triangulated. Modifier was set, but not applied. I think ASE Export will do it for me... I did not remove the Edge Seams as they are used for UV map coordinations and I do not know what it would do to the UV coordinates if the Edge Seams will be removed. I wanna keep the coordinates as they have been.

This is the tutorial I have been following while creating the model:

I modified the model to make it more realistic. Original author Karan Shah ommited the back-front mirrors and the wheel chambers are made into tunnel, which is wrong. It's a detail, but when it comes to actually looking at the wheels, it would be easy enough to see at the other side of the car. When you actually look at the wheel chamber, you see only black space and some pistons and springs behind the wheel, not the world behind the other side of the vehicle... So I just made that mistake disappear. The model looks great in Blender, but it's a mess when exported and Radiant doesn't like it :(

How to actually make it loadable in Quake 3 map editor GtkRadiant?

Offline kat

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I'll need to take a proper look at this but won't be able to until tomorrow now. Hold tight...

[EDIT]pfftt had a quick look anyway. It's preferable to prep models manually that way you can spot problems before exporting. So triangulate ("Ctrl+T") and set the objects transform properties ("Ctrl+A") prior to export. When using the ASE251 script, for idtech, uncheck *all* the export settings, "Smoothing Groups" in particular. That should work.

Incidentally, you normally want "Tex" to be the top slot in Texture Properties, Blender reads the slots from the top down (iirc) so placing it at the bottom of the list might (don't quote me on that though) be a contributing issue - use the arrows to the right of the Texture list aperture to move up to the top of the list.

For *idtech* disable all the export settings, Smoothing especially

models imported into Radiant and loaded into the editor

Offline Polda18

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Thank you for your help. Unfortunately even when I uncheck all options it doesn't work :( I'm using the ASE250 (stable). Model is already triangulated and smoothed using Edge Split modifier with Edge Sharp markers. That modifier is not applied, though. Also I kept the Edge Seam markers to where the UV coordinates vertices are split.

Shouldn't it be wrong in there? May I change something to the markers or apply the modifier or do both?

Offline kat

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Use ASE251, the older script seems to be producing data Radiant can't see to get to grips with, resulting in an app crash - there's a significant difference between vertex position that seem to be the source of crashing when loading the models into the editor. ASE251 does work with Blender 2.73(a). Also make sure to Apply the Edge Split modifier before export.

Offline Polda18

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Thank you. The model finally show up in Radiant. But now it crashes compiler :( It can't handle something and BSP compile crashes :( Only vis and lightmaps are generated :(

Offline kat

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What's the error message? Or is the compiler just crashing?

For a model like that make sure you're not making it an inline model and generating collision using the key/value pairings, brush clipping should be all you need.

Offline Polda18

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Just keeps crashing. Windows says "Not responding" :(

I do not have collision generated by key/value pairs, always using brushwork.
What does that mean, make it "an inline model"?

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'inline' basically forces the compiler to use the mesh for collision - it treats the models surfaces as if they're brushes (don't remember if they're actually converted to brush volumes or not though). The level compiles okay without the mesh?

Offline Polda18

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Nope. The level actually do not compile, but I have already previous version (with corrupted MD3 model with corrupted texture shown as missing in game), so the vis and lightmap got compiled to that outdated version instead...