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[Blender] copy/paste data or objects between Scenes

kat · 1 · 12828

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Copy/pasting data and/or objects between Scenes in Blender

Blender doesn't perform 'copy/paste' in the traditional sense because items displayed in Scenes are typically representations of data that can be used in a number of ways depending on the context. Essentially this means the action of copy/pasting is in fact duplicating specific 'blocks' of said data ("datablocks") that can be 'unique' or 'linked' instances of the/an original.

With this in mind to duplicate data across Scenes, select the Objects or items that need to be moved/copy/pasted and from the "Object" menu in the 3D View Header, select "Make Links » Objects to Scene » [scene list]". The objects will move to or be duplicated to the secondary Scene.

Note that doing can create linked duplicates in the same way using "Alt+D" does so any changes made to either the original or any copy will propagate across. To change this selected instances will need to be converted to 'unique' or "Single User" elements. For that, select the item and from the "Object" menu select "Make Single User » [select data type]". Changes will subsequently be specific to a given converted instance.

Additional Information
Copy/paste data between Scenes in Blender 2.49.