So far as I know PlayStation Network has to be secure because it carries data that can identify the individual in terms of the personal information attributed to credit cards and other sensitive materials - notwithstanding it needing to be secure to verify game-codes. It being used for clandestine communication is an incidental but perhaps inevitable consequence of that (as is any secure network or channel of comms). As said before though, the authorities should be more concerned with the use of social media where they openly recruit and advertise for followers. This stuff doesn't happen in the vacuum the media and authorities like to paint it as doing so and that shouldn't by proxy inculcate everyone (we don't say everyone is a shop-lifter because shop-lifting happens under peoples noses).
As for the term "conspiracy theory", although it's been long used, our understanding of it
appears to have some founding in the Clinton Administration and their concerns to counter what was then, in the mid-to-late 1990's, a burgeoning Internet; the terms was used by the then Administration to lay accusations at the feet of those they perceived as being enemies at home - largely anyone undermining the authority of the administration, but especially - the "Right Wing". This is discussed at some length in the
COMMUNICATION STREAM OF CONSPIRACY COMMERCE memo's where the money chain and motivations of what are now called "conspiracy peddlers" is explained (as the Administration saw it). There
are other memo's available advancing that a certain sentiment and language be used and ascribed to the term, and more especially the individuals holding the views ascribed to them, so as to effectively poison or neuter the term, turning into what we now know.