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Useful Quake 4 Console Commands

kat · 1 · 12174

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Where is / how do I start the in game console
By default the console for Doom 3 powered games is displayed by pressing 'Alt + Ctrl + ~' ('~' = 'Tilda').
Design note: For US keyboards the Tilda key is actually to the left of the number '1' so for UK keyboards you actually need to press 'Alt + Ctrl + `' - this '`', being what's on our key to the left of the number '1'.

So in effect, regardless as to what language you use and what keyboard you have, the default console keys are; Alt + Ctrl + [key to the left of No.1].

If you find this requires you to be too double jointed then open Quake4config.cfg and find;
  • seta com_allowConsole "0"
and change it to;
  • seta com_allowconsole "1"
Doing this will allow you to toggle the console up/down by pressing just the '~' key (again the key to the left of the number '1')

Useful console commands
You might find these useful for both gaming and editing, if you're not sure about the command type in the first section and then hit 'TAB' which will list all the commands using that variable; 'r_' for example lists all the commands that start with 'r_' (news cvars will be added when available).
  • r_showvertexcolor 0/1 - display black/white vertex painting on models when used for texture blending
  • com_showFPS 0/1 - draws FPS onscreen
  • r_showlightcount 0/1 - shows lightcount
  • ui_showgun 0/1 - draws weapon onscreen
  • g_showhud 0/1 - show/hides 2d hud display
g_showDebugHud [n]
This 'tool' is pretty handy. It's basically just a graphical user interface (GUI) that runs from inside the game providing different types of information depending on which HUD is activated. Level designers will find the following useful;
  • g_showDebugHud 7
  • g_showDebugHud 5
A PK4 file needs to be downloaded from iddevnet (which is dropped into your q4base folder along side the games main PK4 files) where you can also find more information on the other debug HUDs and what they do. For more info click here.