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3D Modeling WIP Topic

kat · 270 · 330597

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Offline silicone_milk

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didnt know it was for D3.

In that case, ignore me :D

this is what I was thinking of though. That's a single plane with parallax displacement.

I never really did get crazybump's parallax working in such a way for me.

Offline dersaidin

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the buildings look good so far, but I was getting some motion sickness watching you wander around and especially side stepping while casting the spells, due to the view bobbing being on. can it be turned off like in d3?

also sorry to say but that water looked awful and was also giving me a headache, surely that can't be the result of the capture app or codec? I seriously would leave that out of any videos until you guys have got it smoother looking.

Yes, the bobing is a cvar. The water looks fine normally, it was just caused by the video capture.

Offline ratty redemption

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@ milk, thats an impressive use of parallax, I see what you mean now. and what app or engine is that for?

@ dersaidin, understood and how are you capturing the video?

Offline dersaidin

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Xreal has a /video command which outputs to an uncompressed .avi file (only available during demo playback).

Xreal also supports parallax.

Offline kat

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...I never really did get crazybump's parallax working in such a way for me.
As far as I'm aware CrazyBump doesn't 'do' parallax per say, the effect is created through the use of the displacement map that it can generate as part of your texture set. I'm not sure parallax would help for 'supra' detail - i.e. giving surfaces structure, as opposed to 'super' detail, giving larger structure more fine detailing - the cave areas in Oblivion would be a good example of that. Anywho, XReal supports normal maps so it should be possible to do decent structures within the limitations presented by their tech.

@ Ratty: 700 will give you a good compromise prefab based on the way the tech works (as per dersaidin's comment on culling).

Offline ratty redemption

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@ dersaidin, understood and you could try using the fraps app, I've seen it capture shaders like water.

@ kat, interesting and understood.

Offline ratty redemption

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@ milk, I uploaded those images again using brighter lights, hope this is helps?


Offline silicone_milk

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ooo much better. You can really see the detail in the second shot.

I wonder how it would look with D3 light-emitting lava at it's base and an open space to some cold blue sky above :)

Are you working on an all-terrain map similar to the cave map for Q4 Kat had released or is this just part of an outdoor area for a mostly indoor environment?

Offline ratty redemption

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@ milk, thanks and I'll make sure all of my images are bright enough from now on.

this particular model is for dersaidin's xreal project. there is going to be a sea at the bottom and iirc some grass at the top, with a castle nearby. should be cool when its finished. I'm just helping his team with the cliffs and rock atm, and I will be using the skills I learned with this for my d3 hell map project. so hopefully will be doing some tests with lava in the near future :)

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One of my monsters for UT3. It is the old unreal gasbag with some UT3 tech behind it.

This is the high poly normal reference:

I used alpha textures I made in GIMP to get the veins and scars and leathery texture and I retopo to get low poly

The following is low poly with normal, specular, and diffuse:


Offline ratty redemption

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cool and thanks for showing us the images and explaining some of your workflow.

would you mind showing us the alpha textures used here? also what poly count are those models?

my old pc I'm working on doesn't like hi poly sculpting or editing in blender although it can bake from about 1 million polys.

Offline ratty redemption

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I've had a ton of real life distractions so far this year, but over the last 3 days I finally got some work done in blender. The red section of this cliff face is new and I've tried to get more of a flow to the edgeloops.

Offline ratty redemption

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@ dersaidin, thanks and this section is almost finished, just got to finish tweaking the uv's for the bakes, but as it will be using the same material as the other section I don't have to do any experimentation.

Offline ratty redemption

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I managed to do some more blender work today. here is the 2 cliff sections with their unique normal (low frequency) layers. they share the same diffuse, spec and normal detail (high frequency) layers.

although not very obvious from this camera distance and fov, I couldn't find a way to tile the materials across the sections so there is a seam. this was due to apparently the baking needing all the uv's to be within the default image space, usually uv's can extend beyond that space if the materials use tiling diffuse, spec layers etc.

@ kat, did you find the same limitations with your tiling prefab rock models?