There's a lot of discussion in the Blender community at the moment about changing, or rather "improving", the User Interface to make it more, well... user friendly. Much of it seems pretty subjective and most is wholly absent of context. In other words, discussion seems more akin to changing the interface because it can be changed, and doing so in ways that, whilst they make sens to the user, don't with respect to the way Blender actually works as an application (and needless to say the amount or recoding that might be required for what might very well be subjective improvements).
Anywho.. the clip below always comes to mind when reading such topics.. from
Jabberwocky it shows Dennis "the stock-taker!" causing chaos in an armorers workshop by thinking if he moves a table a couple of inches to one side it would increase the workman's efficiency. It doesn't of course because Dennis doesn't take into account the workman's reflex efficiency developed over years of use.
The moral of the story shouldn't be lost on the reader/viewer, there's a lot more to consider here than simply re-quoting interface design philosophies (absent specific context); some deep-seated notions need to be addressed first, not to mention answering whether Blender Institute should risk a change of the magnitude being suggesting in some quarters - that's a lot of time, energy and effort that could be otherwise better spent.