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digital abstract art

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Offline ratty redemption

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I've sorted out and ul some of my abstract art videos dating back to work about 15 years ago.

their the type of cgi which was popular with raves, although personally I'm more into rock and metal music, but I found some of the rave visuals inspiring. the first videos were made with real3d and elastic reality (a 2d morphing editor) the newer videos in the 2nd .zip were all made with blender.

warning: there is some tasteful but nsfw content included so dl at your own risk ;)


edit: forgot to post some still images as samples of the animations.


most of the videos are between 10-35 seconds long and are designed to loop, but you could play them straight after each other.

the codecs used were div4 and divx5, iirc this codec pack below includes both of them as well as many other windows codecs.


here's the media player classic version I use, if you want to use this instead of window's own media player:


and please tell me what you think of these because I might work on more of them in the future so any feedback is welcome.

edit 2: had to ul the 2nd zip again as filefront had messed up the original link.

Offline ratty redemption

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I updated the first post with some still images.

Offline kat

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You aught to upload some of these to YouTube or something so they can be used in peoples music vids or on video walls in venues or some such. If you do that then I'd add an email address or something to the bottom of each clip so people know who made them and how to get in touch with the author (choose a different compression other than DivX - I'm guessing you have to buy the app to remove the DivX logo from each clip?). I'd be wary of the 'girl' one though, not because it's NSFW but because it presents issues over copyright, same for the lion, unless you took the original photo? I've not downloaded the whole lot so don't know what else may be in the larger file.

Offline ratty redemption

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offtopic: my hdd died on tuesday, hence the delay in me replying. luckily all my work was backed up.

You aught to upload some of these to YouTube or something so they can be used in peoples music vids or on video walls in venues or some such. If you do that then I'd add an email address or something to the bottom of each clip so people know who made them and how to get in touch with the author

good advise and I've been thinking of releasing these and the more recent ones on youtube.

(choose a different compression other than DivX - I'm guessing you have to buy the app to remove the DivX logo from each clip?)

thanks and I will, but I don't see any watermarks/logos when I play them here, has anyone else had those?

I'd be wary of the 'girl' one though, not because it's NSFW but because it presents issues over copyright, same for the lion, unless you took the original photo? I've not downloaded the whole lot so don't know what else may be in the larger file.

good point. those first videos are about 15 years old and iirc the girl source photos were royalty free but I had done a series of the animal 2d morphs, I think I scanned them out of a wildlife book, not realizing at the time about the copyright issues.

Offline ratty redemption

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i had to ul the zips yet again, for some reason filefront keeps breaking the links or deleting the files.

updated links in first post.

Offline kat

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Yes, they automatically remove files that aren't frequently downloaded. They may have changed their T&C since they changed hands (after the closed briefly a couple of years ago?) but there's not much you can do about it, I guess they don't even send out the warning emails now? I mirrored KatsBits files there (when the site was Quake3Bits) and lost the lot as a result of the auto delete - thankfully they were just mirrored files. This stuff is one of the reasons why it's always a good idea to try and get your own website set up, that way you won't loose something unless you forget to pay the bills!

Offline ratty redemption

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understood and thanks kat, and at least if it was auto deleted, that's still better imo then if someone objected to my files being on filefront ;)

edit: and correct, no email from them, which considering could also be automated and they have my address as it's the same one i use to login with, is not cool.