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MD5 Export Issues

BenM · 5 · 15077

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Offline BenM

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I'm currently having a problem exporting a mesh from Blender v2.63. I'm basing my armature off the Xbox Kinect skeleton. Currently the bound mesh is a dress bound to the bones shouldercenter, spine, hipcenter,hipleft, hipright, kneeright and kneeleft. The other bones have the deform property turned off. I have also created an armature with only the bones listed and have exported that but the bindings do not get exported properly(in blender the mesh deforms as it should. I am asking if anyone has any experience with MD5 and Kinect mesh deformation and has any suggestions how I would go ahead and fix this issue. The exporter that I am currently running can be found here   http://arxendofsun.solarsplace.com/downloads/io_scene_md5.zip

The other issue that I am having is that when I am exporting some of the meshes along the same lines as the jeans(a mesh partially covering the full armature, with weighting to the relevant bones, and where the rest of the bones have the deform property turned off). When I go to export this as an MD5 I get an error telling me that there are several unassigned vertices and that they need weighting. I have selected all the vertices and given them 100% weighting to the root bone to ensure that all the vertices have some form of weighting for the export. Even though they have this weighting applied, I am still getting the same error as before saying that there are unassigned vertices . Does anyone know if this is just a bug with the script or have I done something wrong?

Above is the MD5 of the dress after being exported

Above is a working model to show that the process that I am following worked previously

Offline kat

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Try this script first (for 2.63a, it's slightly more complete) and report back on the results you get. Also, can you upload the broken file somewhere for inspection? (You should be able to upload it to the forum if you can't, click "Attachments and other options" when you reply).

Offline BenM

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Hey there, thanks for the advice. Tried again using the exporter that you linked, but alas with the same results. Attached here are the broken files(blend, md5anim and md5mesh). Again thanks for all the help, hitting a big wall with this at the moment

MD5_Export.rar - 493.3 Kb

Offline kat

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Looks like it was breaking because the mesh didn't have a UVW map assigned (it wasn't 'unwrapped'). Once that was done the file exported OK (you might find that a basic Action needs to be assigned as well, even if that's just a single frame). Your original MD5 appears to load into the MD5 viewer but nothing is displayed by the way. Anyhow, take a look at the attached (below) and see if you still get the same problem (exported using 2.63a and the script we have here on-site). Note you might need to reassign an image to the Texture slot, I used a generated image which isn't included in the *.blend file.

Offline nemyax

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Looks like it was breaking because the mesh didn't have a UVW map assigned (it wasn't 'unwrapped').
Ironically, the model does have a UV map of sorts. It's just that all the UVs are collapsed to (0,0). That's why neither script failed but the result was like it was. In MD5, meshes are split up by UV fragment, and collapsing the UVs to a single point creates maximum ambiguity. BenM, you should always do an honest unwrap, as kat points out.
EDIT: BenM, I can see you're not using the latest version of the Arx MD5 exporter. There's been an update.