thanks kat, and now i know it's not a bug and more of a feature, i think i can work around that. what i'm attempting to do is analogous to stretching and distorting uv's in a similar way to 2d morphing and warping apps, and i guess, similar to pinning uv's in blender's image/uv editor, i might be able to use additional bones to help create the falloff effect from the main deforming bone. i'll try that this evening and report back.
re ba. my follow up posts finally did get approved, but only after i complained to wes, the site owner. and considering the registration yesterday was an unnecessarily stressful ordeal, just to get my username and account details accepted, i can't say i'm happy with the service they are providing at the moment. maybe that will improve over time, but for now i'm a lot more comfortable hanging out here on katsbits, where i know, you will always reply to users in need of help, as soon as you get a chance.