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Radiant-level-editor-like camera movement & navigation in Blender

pazur · 4 · 12720

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Offline pazur

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I wonder if it's possible to navigate the camera like in Radiant in Blender. I want to work on the interior of an object and I'm trying to figure out the best way of doing that (I'm on Blender 2.58).

Offline ratty redemption

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i've not used the feature myself but blender does have a camera fly mode, which is shift f in 2.6x series to enter the fly mode.

you could also try alt b then drag out a clipping border, it would still mean rotating the camera around the focus point, but would help hide objects and or parts of meshes that are in the way of what your wanting to work on or study.

Offline kat

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There isn't a direct analogy in Blender for Radiant style 'unfocused' movements so you have to more-or-less do  what Ratty suggested and either clip the scene or show/hide elements from view ("H" to hide, "Alt+H" to unhide) as you work so you can see the interiors of structures, it's not ideal but I doubt anything is going to change in this regard (AFAIK no other 3D app do this, except level editors). Using "Ctrl+F" is the equivalent of 'free' mode in Radiants camera view (when you LMB+hold, drag the mouse around, it's equally as sensitive as well). What you might also want to do is snap the camera to different objects in a room, that will then mean you can change the point of focus to different areas/objects as you work.