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Corel Photo-Paint & ntdll.dll error

kat · 2 · 12560

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Upgraded to CorelDRAW X5 graphics suite over Christmas/New Year after battling with a few compatibility issues that v11 had with Windows 7 (due to being forced to upgrade a computer as a result of a graphic hardware fault), namely thumbnail display not working in Windows Explorer - there are third party apps available online but they don't support Corel files (*.cpt & *.cdr), and the File > Save dialogue still using the old Windows 98/XP type locked interface - this fixes the size of the dialogue box so it can't be re-sized to accommodate more than one row of 'medium' sized thumbnails. But that's by-the-by. Photo-Paint x5 had been working without issue, very rarely crashing, which is a considerable feat considering this seems to be the main bone of contention with the app.

Until recently.

For some really weird reason the app crashes when saving documents where the "Paper Size" has been changed. At first this looked like it was limited to documents below 640 pixels width, but further testing revealed this not to be the case. Brand new images with or without layered objects crash the app on save, resizing and trying to save pre issue files also result in crashes. To top it off, when copy/pasting the contents of a mask Photo-Paint throws up that old friend, the "Out of Memory" message, which infinite loops (can't be closed because new instances pop-up after 'closing' the previous), and all told makes Photo-Paint X5 unusable.

It doesn't look like a fault with ntdll.dll itself, else it would likely result in errors popping up via other applications, and it's not beside the point that Photo-Paint v11 works fine. Windows Update perhaps? Another app install causing the issue (uninstalling recent apps didn't fix that, so unless they make fundamental changes to the *.dll itself there shouldn't be a continuance of the issue with their removal)?. Windows User Permissions kicking in (Account Access Control), stopping the program from changing system files? Who knows.

Rock and a hard place as the saying goes. Support ticket has been submitted for which, reading the forums, it doesn't look like it will be addressed any time soon. Good job CorelDRAW v11 still works, taking into account the aforementioned productivity issues.

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Found one cause at least of the ntdll.dll crashout. It's seems to be something to do with re-sizing documents down to either 180 or 181 pixels in width (images can be larger and re-sized 'down' or smaller and sized 'up', still causes the same problem). Affects both blank and layered documents, although for the latter, if the layers remain untouched after re-sizing it can be saved, move an object, re-save and Photo-Paint locks up.