OK, had a look at the file. The problem wasn't the file or data per-say (i.e. the coordinates of the internal structure), it was the way the data was formatted. I'm not sure where you got the file from, but the way it's structured the coordinates causes an issue with the script (this may in turn be a result of the way OBJ data is structured - as it looks like the original file was actually an *.obj model?. Anywho...
What you have is this;
vert 0 (0.775083 0.388196) 0 1
What you actually need is this;
vert 0 ( 0.775083 0.388196 ) 0 1
Do you see the subtle difference? There's a space after the first bracket, "( ", and a space before the last, like so " )". These are important because they're what the importer uses as an 'end/start' indicator for the various blocks of data in the file; when there is no space Blender confuses the bracket symbols as a number, as that's invalid, it throws out the error.
To fix, you need to open the file in a text editor (Crimson Edit/ NotePad++) and do a simple find & replace on the "(" and ")", replacing them with "( " and " )". Save the file and then re-import. It should work.