[CLOSED/COMPLETED]Hello! I have been planning this game since I was in Freshman year of high school. I never really had the time to learn all the stuff cuz of school and how it takes up so much time. So, I have been looking up tutorials on Blender modeling and just still can't do it. I feel as though I have a great idea for a game, I have voice acting going on. So people are auditioning for the roles of the characters. Now I have been looking forever for people who can help me create this 3d game in blender. I don't have a job so i can't like pay people since I'm 17 and all. So I'm going to cut this short and begin by telling alittle bit of the storyline. The game has
2 PARTS btw.
Aspire and Muriel, to lands spread by a powerful spell, making Muriel's piece of land float above Aspire. The two lands hatred for each other burns strong. The moment when both lands must work together to defeat what will destroy Aspire and Muriel both...
Storm and Evalina are brother and sister that depend on each other since their parents died. Storm is a mercenary for the Aspirian Government. Evalina works at a clothing store in the shopping district in Dorston. There jobs not helping the rent much, Storm finds a job where he must hunt down a Muriel God. Not only is the prize on its head high, but he could also be ranked up to Commander. As he gets ready to head out, Evalina isn't to happy even if they need the money. A god is one of the strongest beings in the world and can kill humans easily. Storm ignoring her plea heads out to the caves outside Dorston. On the way he meets others who took the job also. Gunther, Vice, Bobby, and Luther are awaiting at the entrance of the cave. Further in they find the god known as Akilos. The god in the fight falls, suddenly a heavenly light appears. Giving each of the members a piece of crystal, the group has been chosen to do something... But if that god was of Muriel decent it can't be anything good to Aspire. At this point the army has already began investigating this light that came from the cave. The group is forced to head through the undercrofts of Dorston. Storm goes to town one last time to see his sister Evalina and say goodbye. When she offers to try anything she can to save him, he just simply tells her to lay low and do as normal. He will be back as soon as he completes his guided plan no matter how bad it may be... They later found out their mission from the gods was to save both Aspire and Muriel from Xandelus, the god of Trickery. He tries to bring Muriel down atop Aspire destroying both in the process. Letting him create anew world in his image. After defeating him Muriel is stopped from falling when A mysterious spell is casted causing the land to pause in mid air. Only 5 come out from event. Storm is lost, when his sister is told, Evalina weaps over his disappearance...
After taking the news of her lost brother, Evalina begins to believe he has died. Suddenly a young man named Royce, about the same age as Evalina comes to assure her, that Storm is indeed alive and watching over Aspire and Muriel from the skies. He offers to take her to him. It may be a long journey but he is determined to get the two together. Evalina doesn't completely trust him at first but when she witnesses a glimpse of Storm fighting a another man in black armor. She suddenly sees the world grow with darkness. After awakening from this vision she begins to believe Royce and pushes forward. Her vision is still unclear, but soon the truth behind what has happened and what must happen in order for time to continue as though it normally has, she must make the ultimate sacrifice to save the world.
I was thinking of doing the 3d graphics like that of in FINAL FANTASY TACTICS on the PSP (Cutscenes of coarse) Like seen here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvY3G0O3sg0I've heard they are easier to do than that of most modern graphics these days.
I am making a website for the game soon. It will have more info on the game. OH and the battle system for my game. I have been thinking long and hard about this one. I love that of the FFXIII. I was thinking of trying that even though it might be hard. I gotta try, I would love to have some expert help or any type of help is appreciated!

My email: James.Pizz99@gmail.com <- Any questions just go ahead and ask!