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blender fire made without particles

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Offline ratty redemption

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this article/mini tutorial is very cool imo:


@ kat, how realistic do you think it looks? and would you personally use something like this in your work? assuming we could bake animated textures of this effect and use them in a game engine.

Offline kat

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For stills rendering it looks like a good 'cheap' way to get flames and fire without all the messing about needed for particles, its an interesting use of camera projection. Not sure how you'd bake that to a billboard because it doesn't look like anything is 'mapped' to the planes, although he does say you can use the traditional way of UV mapping the planes.

Offline ratty redemption

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understood and bake was perhaps the wrong term, we could simply render it to a series of animation frames or a video file like he did, but with the render camera focusing just on the fire and with no background or other props/lighting etc.