I'm a real newby with Blender, so please forgive me for asking what may be a very frivolous question.
I am working on the sword tutorial and am really confused why my center-line loop cuts do not go all the way. When attempting to make such a cut from tip of the sword, to the end of the pommel (or handle), this cut stops at the guard. I tried to do another center-line loop cut on the pommel itself, in the {silly?} belief that it would join up with the blade's center-line loop cut. That pommel's center-line loop cut stopped at one of the loop cuts which I had previously done when I created the pommel itself.
In this image, I've placed yellow arrows at the lines where the center cuts stop.
It's not showing in my image, but my center-line loop cut does not go through the entire guard either, it stops at the blade. What am I doing wrong?
In the beginning, I had stretched my cube mesh to the tip of the blade and then again up to where the guard begins. From that point, I extruded to make the pommel, from the blade, as the tutorial suggested. After that, I extruded from the pommel to make the guard on both sides.