Hi Kat, thanks for the reply. There seems to be more going on then only the texture problem. The normals are always inverted too when I export to md3.
I've tried the JavaMD3View, did not work, even though I run linux (ubuntu 11.10). Reading the documentation, it all seems very windows oriented. Q3 Model Tool worked like a charm in wine, which is quite ironical, since Java is supposed to be cross platform, and windows executables not...
Is Q3 Model tool supposed to load skin files on loading the md3? I've noticed it did not on my model. When manually adding the skin file, the model shows all black,well, more dark gray, just like in misfit, the linux app to load and edit md3's. I don't find a way to view or edit the texture coordinates though. I still have the impression that the uv-map is not exported from blender into the md3.
I've tried to run blender 2.42, since I've heard that would be the best version to export, and certainly import md3 files, but then I have the python compatibility issue. It does not find the python path. It uses python 2.4, and now we're at python 2.7 on a default install. I thought that was the problem, so I've tried to install python 2.4 too, but then there are dependency problems, since some of the libraries required to build it are replaced...
I'm starting to get really stuck here.